
client photos




If you want photo about yourself, or you want gifting with my photoworks your friends, need to know, I am not client photographer, and I never will be. I don't search and I don't want clients, but if you want be my client maybe I accept based on nexts.
I do what I want, and I do as I want, and never mind you pay or dont, no guarantee you will like the final product, and will be same as you imagine. I don't care what you imagine about photo, I care only what I want do with photo... Everything is your risk, you can't ask anything because I dont will left my way! And must be pay! No refund!


  1. I will keep my full copyright about photo including publishing selling and sharing, but I allowed for the target person/persons/model the rights in next points.
  2. The target person/persons have right for publishing, sharing, give away for free, and unlimited personal use, but keep my credits as creator/photographer.
  3. The target person/persons have right sell or commercial use, or give away the 2. point rights for others for cost, but must be pay for me every price 10%.
  4. If the plan with photo non personal use, originally vendor or advertising, or any commercial use, before we start the work need to know me. I will give full copyrights without any restriction, but we all must be give copyright credit for both side as photographer or creator.
  5. Client only that target person/persons is on photo and pay the prizes to me based on COSTS chapter, or that target person/persons is on photo and someone else pay the prizes to me based on COSTS chapter, for work. Who is pay but not the target person, not client, exclude object and landscape/cityscape and vendor/advertising photos.


  1. Portrait: 3000 L$ / 1 picture
  2. Posing solo: 5000 L$ / 1 picture
  3. Posing couple: 7000 L$ / 1 picture
  4. Live action: 10.000 L$ / 1 picture
  5. Object and landscape/cityscape photo: 3000 L$
  6. Event photos (example wedding): I dont do, my laptop week for that, and terrible work, with lot of problem and risk, but if you forced, your risk and 40.000 L$ / 1-12 photo group,  but if we make agreement and I am ready to shot in planned time, but no one photo realized because technical problems, or lag on any side, or we can't make because some person not arrived or have tantrum, or not ready for photo, soo we dont do anything, for you need pay to me 10.000 L$ for my ready time, and for my time... Why? Because I hate the torture with events...
  7. Any commercial/advertising/vendor plan is generate double prize.
  8. With my close friends possible different agreement about costs (but not about rights) but that is business secret.


  1. When you ask me and give to me the work, you accept all point here, and agree with that. If not, please search another photographer, because I never accept any compromise. For me dont need your job...
  2. If you have extra asks, need making about agreement before work, and will be extra cost.
  3. All other thing what is not regulated in tihs side, regulated on MY PHOTOGRAPHIC RIGHTS AN POLICY site.
  4. All situation, agreement and product must be compatible with Linden Lab Snapshot and Machima Policy

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