
my photographic rights and policy

I really sorry about need make this part, but happend bad things in past. For example, someone ask me removing 4 year work and my photos more than 1/4 part based on tantrum. All photo was legal... This happening was direct attack for destrolying my portfolio, my photographer reputation, and with this she try make biggest disadvantage for me as possible in photographer/artist life... After this happenning I don't will give up my works and my inttellectual property without fight...

Please understand me, nobody want woking for nothing!


  1. I everytime respecting everyone personal rights, I don't make public photos on private places, and don't share without permission.
  2. I don't make public photos about any person without asking permission, and don't share.
  3. I don't publishing the places, and persons identify without permission.
  4. If person is approved and accept my photo, after my first publishing have 72 hour, when possible ask removing photo and/or credits for lifetime, and never will be published again.


  1. If somebody accept and approved my photo for publishing and sharing, that is agreement (and contract in words) about all intellectual rights and property of photo is mine, because my impressions, ideas, and composition, my editing works, my effects, and my things make unique work the photo... 
  2. After 72 hour of first publishing, all rights reserved by me. I will use the picture as I want, with full rights, and the photo target (person/object/place) can't anymore restricted my free use photo for any way as I want. Including publishing on different medias, sharing, removing, selling with full rights for full cost, give away rights, modify, or anything else.
  3. After the first 72 hour for me dont have rights change the idnetify credit status. If removed by ask, I can't again identify, if not removed, I can't remove.
  4. Linden Lab Official:Snapshot and machinima policy when you are in Second Life you are accepted with this in TOS. If you don't agree, don't log in Second Life.


  1. The CLIENT PHOTOS site, RIGHTS chapter 4. point regulate what is the client.
  2. The CLIENT PHOTOS site, RIGHTS chapter regulate what is the clients rights.
  3. This PLICY and CLIENT PHOTOS part live and valid together, and not possible separate and use or understand/mean individually.


  1. When published first time the picture, have 72 hour for target person asking removing without any words or explain. Don't need reason. After 72 hour its not possible.
  2. Picture is a product and intellectual property, business in every law. For asking removing pictures after 73 hour, that is make to me disadvantage in my intellectual property, in my "business", in my populartiy, and disadvantage for my followers experience too, and for all others who use the pictures on legal way. Lot of work for me making good picture, and I dont work for nothing... Not my problem if you dont know what you do when you are accept the picture, but I can understand some extreme situation if have evidence and hard problem for You or Your family Real Life safety...
  3. If you want remove by personal reason, example you don't like me or the pictures anymore, unacceptable. Rights not about subjective reasons... Just example, if Tom Cruise dont like anymore the Top Gun movie, or some collegue from movie, the producers don't will remove without huge compensation, that is Tom's personal problem, and in law no different one simple picture or popular movie, both is equal intellectual property...
  4. If you want remove because your partner dont know about that, or dont like. Its both idiot reason. You are untrustable lier if your partner dont know, I dont accept untrustable liers requests. If your partner dont like, don't accept you or your past, soo that person not for you. Your problem if you choose bad person, not mine. Search better person...
  5. Possible removing photo anytime form my streams and from my any medias, if have compensation based on Flickr popularity, but not possible removing from catalogues, and from magazines, or from similar third party places and situations, because that is others intellectual property, and we can't handle that, we dont have rights, and we cant travel back in time. Compensation: under 100 favorite mark 1000 L$, above 100 favorite mark 100 L$ every mark. If was flickr group cover anytime, 10.000 L$.


  1. If you don't accept any part of this points, nevermind what small, warned me, and we don't will contribute, and I don't make photo about you or about your things. No problem, its normal.
  2. If you want different agreement, that is impossible. Soo please warned me and don't stole my time, no photo, I dont want do anything for you, with you or about you.
  3. If you think I will be different with you, you are wrong. Please warned me and don't stole my time, no photo, I dont want do anything for you with you or about you.

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